dijous, 30 de maig del 2013

as I have found the treasure?

Just what I've done is read, think and answer, for example in the first test I thought the most logical and I responded. And so with all, it is true that some test has been more difficult than the other but I have no problems.

Here you have the proof that I have done;

click on the images

dilluns, 27 de maig del 2013


My pirate name is Pepo.
  He was not a very strong pirate, he is low but he had  everything that has to be a pirate.
Pepo always been a pirate but never become captain. He thinks that he never will get. Till one day a sailor from his boat was abducted and the only one who dared to rescue was pepo, spent days and days and did not appear pepo but returned four weeks the sailor that was abducted returned saying that Pepo was died by save him. since that day, Pepo became captain in the heart of all the sailors of his ship.

divendres, 26 d’abril del 2013

dimarts, 23 d’abril del 2013


Diddle, diddle, dumpling

Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John,
Went to bed with his trousers on;
One shoe off, and one shoe on,
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John!

dilluns, 4 de març del 2013


The computer:

My computer is small.
The computers are the best invention in the word.
The computer isen't as beautiful  as me.
The computer is more inteligent  than me.
The apple computer is the best computer.

The books:

The books are the worse invention in the word.
This book is the biggest.
The books isen't as inteligent as the computers.
The books are  smaller than the computers.

The shoes:

This shoes are the  smallest.
The shoes aren't as big as the doors.
My sohes are the  biggest.
The sohes are thiner than me.

The People

Belén Vidri:

Belén vidri is older than my brother and me.
Belén is the  prickiest.
Belén isen't as tall as me.
Belén is the  friendlyiest.
For my belén is the best sister.

Assun Àlvarez:

Assun is the  oldest than my class and me .
Assun is as inteligent as Julia.
Assun is Spanish.
Assun isen't as tall as Javier Losarcos
Assun for me is the best teacher.

Emilio Vidri:

Emilio isen't as yong as my mum.
Emilio is the tallest.
Milo is as strong as me.
Emilio is the best father.
Milo isen't  the best football player.

The animals

 The Seals:

The seal is small.
The seal is  faster in  the water than the lion but the lion is  faster in the land than the seal.
 The seals are smaller than the lion.
This seal is the fattest in her family.
For me the seals are the most beautiful animal.

The snake:

This snake is long.
The snakers are more dangerous than the seal.
For me  the snakers are the most terrifying animal.
The snaker is strongers than the seal.
This snaker is the most colorful in the word.

The panda:

This panda is small.
The panda is biger than the snake.
The pandas have the biggest hand.
The panda is  the most pacific animal.